The Iowa School of Laughter Yoga will be offering a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader training seminar in Lansing, Iowa on August 13th and 14th. In this delightful, interactive learning experience, you'll earn lifetime certification as a Laughter Yoga Leader in affiliation with the Doctor Kataria School of Laughter Yoga.

The benefits of studying Laughter Yoga at the Iowa School of Laughter Yoga are many. Here are just a few:
• Confidence
When you train with me, you can be confident you are receiving the most accurate and direct transmission of the training, as I have been trained and certified by Dr. Kataria himself, the founder of the worldwide laughter club movement.
• Personal Renewal
Most laughter grads consider the seminar (whether taken in person or on-line) a life-changing experience that helped them find greater wellness through joy and intentional laughter. Do this for yourself, you'll be glad you did.
• Connection
The seminars and retreats help laughter students build lasting friendships with me and your fellow laughers. The synergy of the group helps students find support, inspiration and brainstorming opportunities. Upon graduation, you'll also be invited to join a free on-line forum specifically for the graduates of the Iowa School of Laughter Yoga where you can continue to connect and share ideas with each other.
• Supervised Practice
Even with laughter, practice makes perfect. During the seminars and retreats, you'll have ample opportunity to practice and polish your laughter leadership skills. For on-line learners, there is also valuable feedback offered to help you become a great laughter yoga professional.
• On-Line Referrals
When you train with me, you will be listed at the Iowa School of Laughter Yoga Web site for a minimum of 12 months where you may receive referrals and inquiries from all over the world.
• A Comprehensive Laughter Manual
You'll receive my original, comprehensive laughter training manual, Laughing Laura's Guide to Laughter Yoga. I have written this manual based upon my experience. It contains everything you need to know to become an effective laughter yoga leader and has an expansive collection of laughter yoga exercises, many of which are original. It gives suggestions for solo laughter practice and even addresses the spirituality of laughter yoga. It offers inspiration for how to live a more laughing life, and other valuable materials on how to launch your laughter-based career activities.
• Beautiful Diploma
I award my graduates with an originally designed, professionally printed, archival, full-color laughter diploma suitable for framing (pictured below), which shows lifetime certification as a Laughter Yoga Leader through the Iowa School of Laughter Yoga in affiliation with the Dr. Kataria School of Laughter Yoga.

• Laughter Yoga CD
As a way to help you keep up your daily laughter yoga practice, you'll receive a copy of my new CD, "Be Laughter."
• Laughter Inspiration Poster
You will also receive a "Live a Laughing Life" Poster. This is an original work of art featuring many fabulous and inspirational ideas for living in the joyful spirit of laughter.
You will also receive a "Live a Laughing Life" Poster. This is an original work of art featuring many fabulous and inspirational ideas for living in the joyful spirit of laughter.
• Future Savings
Laughter Yoga Leaders often find it helpful to come back and take the seminar or retreat again as a refresher, to reinvigorate them for future laughing. All students of the Iowa School of Laughter Yoga are given the opportunity to take future seminars at a significant discount, including the weekend retreats.
I invite you to join us for the August seminar in the charming river town of Lansing, Iowa during their annual Fish Days celebration.
The seminar will be held at Our Savior's Lutheran Church. The schedule is as follows:
Saturday, August 13 8:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 14 11:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.
This is an exciting opportunity to study with me at a live seminar. This is rare these days as I've been busy with the production of my new CD as well as an upcoming book. Tuition is $295 and includes all instruction, my original Laughter Yoga Manual, a Be Laughter CD, a Live a Laughing Life Poster, a full color diploma printed with your name, snacks, beverages and lunch both days!
Already a graduate of the Iowa School of Laughter Yoga? Then here's your chance to come again as a refresher. Your rate for this seminar is just $100 (includes instruction and lunches only). To enroll as a refresher, simply pay with Paypal at the Iowa School of Laughter Yoga site.
Spread the word! If you register with a friend, you'll each receive a FREE CD or DVD and a poster of your choice from The Laughter Shoppe (a $20 value)!