I was a speaker at the 5th Annual All America Laughter Yoga Conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico from August 26th through the 29th. This event was the largest laughter yoga conference in America to date. It was thronged with laughers from all over North America and beyond, including those from South America, Europe, Australia and Asia. For three days, presentations were given on a variety of inspiring topics by the most senior figures in the laughter yoga movement, including founder Dr. Madan Kataria, of Mumbai, India.

My workshop was called: “Holy Hysterics: How to Bring Laughter Yoga to Church, Synagogue, and Any Place Spiritual.” That's an action shot from my presentation above. As you know by reading this blog, combining laughter yoga with Christian ministry has become my specialty in recent years. I have presented programs in churches across the denominations, showing believers how to cultivate the joy of the Lord through hearty belly laughter and playful singing. Here's a free copy of my handout for this workshop.
Last month, our production company, The Gentry Joint, launched a Christian laughter CD, which is also called Holy Hysterics. It’s a faith-filled, laughing, dancing, singing, praising, whooping with joy, go bananas workout to make your walk with the Lord a silly one! This comprehensive resource, which retails for $14.95, contains a bible study about joy, a laughter workout, a silly singing section and relaxing guided meditation. Here’s the link to the ever-growing Holy Hysterics page. It is already being warmly received. Check out these customer reviews.
I absolutely love this CD!!! This is the perfect way to relieve stress and put me in an immediate good mood. The Bible Study is fantastic, and the laughter exercises are just plain fun! I loved the guided meditation as well. It is a wonderful way to relax before bedtime and remove all the stresses from the day. It put me in a wonderful, peaceful and joyful mood before I needed to go to sleep, and I found it to be a great way to really connect with God. The guided meditation brought me to a stage of peace and complete joy and relaxation, and I was able to really use my imagination to experience God in a fun, playful and grace-filled way. As daily life stresses us out, and the news and media are continually showing stories that only further depress us, Holy Hysterics playfully reminds us of the joyful creation our God created, and the joy, peace, and love that we have in Christ Jesus. I highly HIGHLY recommend this product for personal spiritual reflection and practice, for group devotions or as a gift to someone (or anyone!) that could use some cheer in their life!
—Jenna Miner, Seminarian
Holy Hysterics is wonderfully fun and refreshing. It’s amazing! I really appreciate the Christian emphasis of this CD and particularly love the guided meditation. I will definitely want to incorporate some of these exercises into my practice and as I lead a spiritual disciplines group at my church."
—Joan S.
I was so excited to receive my Holy Hysteric disc, I could hardly get it out of the envelope. I have been laughing with it in the car all day. Laura's best work ever! I'm definitely going to share it with the ladies from my church at our upcoming Women of Faith Afternoon Tea. I listened to the songs just before bedtime last night. What a great way to sleep—singing and laughing with the Lord! Highly Recommended.
—Karen Ricagno, Founder of Joy-In-Motion RX exercise program
This is so profound. I'm not sure if I'll ever pray without laughing again.
—Jewelle Lin, Laughter Yoga Teacher
The laughter yoga conference in New Mexico was an absolute blast. I encourage all laughter yoga professionals and laughter club members to make the effort to attend these conferences. They really renew your enthusiasm for the laughter movement and remind you of the powerful ways in which laughter yoga is transforming lives for good!

I also got to meet Merv Neal, (pictured above with me) Australia’s senior laughter yoga figure who is organizing this year’s New Zealand/Australia laughter yoga conference in Brisbane. He’s invited me to be a speaker at that event this November! So it looks like another Gentry laughter tour is in the works. Woo hooo! I’ll also be offering a Holy Hysterics intensive workshop there. The flyer for this is below. Double click to see a larger version.

The entire set of presentations of the 2010 laughter yoga conference, including mine, is available on DVD from The American School of Laughter Yoga, which organized the event. For more information, visit: www.LaughterYogaAmerica.com.

Dr. Kataria and Jeffrey Briar at the gibberish party.

Another shot from my workshop.

A participant laughing during my workshop.

More laughers enjoying my workshop.
Me in my famous cow get-up at the costume party!

Dr. Kataria and I showing our true identity as laughing aliens.
And here I am with my neice and nephew who live in the Albuquerque area. It was a great bonus that I got to see them while attending the conference! By the way, they call me "Auntie Laugh"!
* Read The Standard article about my presentation at the All America Laughter Yoga Conference.
* Read about this conference and my presence there at Jill and Dan Johnson's laughing blog.